School Transport Entitlement

How do I get free school transport ?

Free school transport is only available to pupils attending their catchment school and living more than two miles (primary) or three miles (secondary) from the school measured by the shortest available walking route. Applications can be made online here with PKC.

Transport will be provided from a suitable point on the public highway.  This can be up to two miles (primary) or three miles (secondary) from the pupil's home.

Parents who have made successful placing request for their children at other schools of their choice have to make their own transport arrangements and meet the costs thereof.

If I am refused school transport can I appeal?

Parents of pupils who are refused school transport have the right to appeal to the Review Sub-Committee of the Lifelong Learning Committee, only on the grounds of safety or if transport is withdrawn.

Where appropriate, the Authority may provide free transport for pupils who attend a special school or specialist unit.